Aranda  Suburb
About Aranda
Aranda postcode 2614
Total Persons : 2412
Total Males : 1173
Total Femals : 1239
Age Group (0-4 years) : 120
Age Group (5-14 years) 308
65 Years Over:
Median Age of Persons 42
Persons born overseas 595
Main Country of birth which is not Australia: England
No of people of Main Country of birth which is not Australia : 163
No of People Married : 1025
Married Percentage: 0.517
Labour Force: 1287
Employed Fulltime: 794
Employed Full Time Percentage: 0.617
Main Occupation: Professionals
Number of Main Occupation: 495
Main Occupation Percentage: 0.397
Main Industry of Employment: Central Government Administration
Main Industry of Employment Numbers: 266
Main Industry of Employment Percentage: 0.213
Median Individual Income ($/Weekly): 871
Median Household Income ($/Weekly) : 1820
Median Family Income ($/Weekly): 2143
Number of Families: 636
Number of Families With Children: 305
Total Private Dwellings: 941
Median Rent ($/Weekly):* 413
Median Housing Loan Repayment ($/Weekly): 1706
Average Household Size: 2.6
Average Number of Persons Per Bedroom: 1
Household Fully Owned Percentage: 0.441
Household Rented Percentage: 0.214
Family Household Percentage: 0.733
Aranda is a suburb in the Canberra district of Belconnen. It is the eastern most suburb in Belconnen, located at the western foot of Black Mountain.

The suburb derives its name from the Arrernte tribe of Central Australia, previously known as Arunta, which means 'White Cockatoo'. The streets in Aranda are named after Aboriginal tribal groups from around Australia.

A number of community facilities are located close to one another near the intersections of Bandjalong and Bindel Streets. (Source: Wiki)
* Median Rent is based on data from the most recent Australian suburb survey.
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