Bangholme  Suburb
About Bangholme
Bangholme postcode 3175
Total Persons : 556
Total Males : 248
Total Femals : 308
Age Group (0-4 years) : 4
Age Group (5-14 years) 3
65 Years Over:
Median Age of Persons 68
Persons born overseas 233
Main Country of birth which is not Australia: England
No of people of Main Country of birth which is not Australia : 120
No of People Married : 248
Married Percentage: 0.45
Labour Force: 117
Employed Fulltime: 56
Employed Full Time Percentage: 0.479
Main Occupation: Machinery Operators And Drivers
Number of Main Occupation: 31
Main Occupation Percentage: 0.313
Main Industry of Employment: Motor Vehicle and Motor Vehicle Part Manufacturing
Main Industry of Employment Numbers: 5
Main Industry of Employment Percentage: 0.051
Median Individual Income ($/Weekly): 274
Median Household Income ($/Weekly) : 360
Median Family Income ($/Weekly): 529
Number of Families: 152
Number of Families With Children: 7
Total Private Dwellings: 384
Median Rent ($/Weekly):* 115
Median Housing Loan Repayment ($/Weekly): 393
Average Household Size: 1.5
Average Number of Persons Per Bedroom: 1.1
Household Fully Owned Percentage: 0.826
Household Rented Percentage: 0.094
Family Household Percentage: 0.385
Bangholme is a suburb in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 31 km south-east from Melbourne's central business district and adjacent to the urban area. Its Local Government Area is the City of Greater Dandenong.

The area is semi-rural and is part of the Melbourne South Eastern green wedge, with much of the land used by the Melbourne Water Eastern Sewage Treatment Plant, and the remainder being mostly small land holdings, with some used for horse acreage.

Bangholme has a SEIFA score of 744, indicating a high level of disadvantage � it is in the bottom percentile nationally and has the lowest score of any Melbourne suburb. (Source: Wiki)
* Median Rent is based on data from the most recent Australian suburb survey.
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